Deep Specialty

IDR 4.500.000

During the Deep Diver Specialty, you’ll learn how to plan and conduct deep dives to 40 meters, manage your air supply and how to identify and manage narcosis. You’ll also learn about safety considerations and buoyancy control at depth.

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days – 4 dives – explore the deep with a Deep Specialty Course on Gili Meno

Overview Deep Specialty Course

There’s something exciting and mysterious about deep dives that attracts divers. After your first few dives, you might want to explore dive sites that are slightly deeper than 18 meters. Many exciting dive sites lie in deeper waters and the Deep Specialty Course will teach you how to get to 40 meters safely and with confidence.

Being a deep diver might open new opportunities for deeper wrecks, coral-encrusted walls, reefs, shark dives and many other exhilarating options.

The fun part

With the deep specialty course you will gain the knowledge, skills and techniques needed to conduct dives to 40 meters. You have probably learned about diving physics and physiology during your open water course but deep diving is where is really matters:

As you drop below 18 meters, your air consumption increases and your no-compression time decreases. Buoyancy declines and you might even begin to feel the effects of nitrogen narcosis. None of these are hard to deal with as long as you know how you can manage them.

Getting narced (diving lingo) is an impairment of your thinking processes caused by breathing nitrogen under pressure. People experience nitrogen narcosis differently. Some describe it as feeling drunk, or being really slow while others become a bit panicked or scared. Narcosis isn’t usually serious or overdramatic and disappears as soon as you ascent.

What you will learn
  • The importance of personal limits and the reasons to dive deep
  • Plan and complete deep dives from 18 to 40 meters (4 dives during the course)
  • Use computers and gas calculations to get the most from your deep dives
  • Safety considerations, buddy contact procedures and buoyancy control
  • Risk factors and decompression tables review
  • The physics of diving deep: Your instructor will make sure you aware of pressure, potential cold, colours and other factors you might encounter on dives to 40 meters
  • Special equipment for deep dives
  • How to recognize and manage nitrogen narcosis and your susceptibility to nitrogen narcosis.
  • Emergency decompression procedures
  • Why flying (or climbing Mt Rinjani) after deep diving is not a great idea

Upon completion, you will earn the Deep Diving Specialty certification.

This specialty course also count towards the prestigious Master (Scuba) Diver rating.

Content and Schedule

The Deep Diving Specialty will teach you all you need to dive to depths between 18 and 40 meters, through a mixture of academic sessions and four open water dives. Our courses are flexible and we will be able to adjust to your travel schedule but in general, please expect your diving days to look like the following schedule.

Tipp: It is also great to combine the deep specialty with the Nitrox Specialty to get more out of the dives to 30 meters.

Day 1 (08:30 – 16:30)

  • 1st dive: Theory, dive, debrief, relax – if you have dived the previous days, we will start the day with your first proper deep dive.
  • 2nd dive: Repeat – just not to 40 meters 🙂

Day 2 (08:30 – 16:30)

  • Two dives await – one of them to 40 meters, whereas the other one is more shallow. We will also cover some more theory in between the dives
  • Time to celebrate your new deep diver reality

Details (for those who like to know more)

Would you like to know what other speciality programs we teach? Or you wonder why you should consider doing a specialty course?

Please note: Our courses are conducted in accordance with PADI standards.

Continue the Adventure

Reach a next level in diving with a dive specialty program at Divine Divers Gili Meno. Specialties are a great way to improve your dive knowledge, skills as well as learn new ones. Good thing is – you can concentrate on specific underwater activities, that really interest you. Popular specialties include Nitrox Diving, Deep Diving and Wreck Diving but there is a myriad of interesting specialty courses that might tickle your interest:

Our diving courses on Gili Meno are all-inclusive and you will encounter no hidden costs during your diving journey.

  • Maximum 4 students per course
  • Multilingual instructors
  • Full Equipment including dive computer rental
  • Theory and learning materials
  • 4 open water dives including all boat rides
  • Certification
  • Lots of fun!

Please note, the waters around the Gili Islands have been declared a Marine Park. Therefore a one time Marine Park fee of 100.000 IDR has to be paid by all diving and snorkel tour participants. This fee is NOT included in our prices and has to be paid in cash at our dive center on Gili Meno.

To enrol into the course please check the following:

  • Be at least 15 years or older
  • Advanced certification
  • Be fit and healthy. All diving students are required to comply with a Medical-Statement.

Secure your prebooking discount

If booked in advance with a 50% deposit paid the course comes to a price of 4.275.000 IDR. If you would like to take advantage of this pre-booking discount please contact us directly per email. Please note, the deposit needs to arrive on our bank account before you arrive on the island, otherwise it is not a pre-booking discount. LOL

Plans change. We know that too. Our cancellation policy is flexible and we are trying our best to meet your holiday schedule and potential interruptions of it. If you book a course in advance but you are then unable to do it because you get sick, we will reimburse you of course minus the transaction details.

We can only send you the login details for the eLearning packages once you have paid the full course or a deposit in advance. In the (hopefully unlikely) event that you can’t start the course as planned, you will get of course more time to make it to the island and if even that isn’t going to happen, you will still have the theory and can use that at another dive center at a later stage in your life (within one year).

Why should you consider doing a dive specialty course on Gili Meno?

In general, specialty programs are a great way to improve your current skills and learn new ones that peak your interest. Also, when you complete a certain number of logged dives and specialty programs you will earn the elite Master Scuba Diver Rating once you have completed the rescue course, five specialties and a minimum of 50 dives.

What specialty courses do you offer at Divine Divers Gili Meno?

Specialty courses allow you to focus on a certain area of diving that interest you.  They are a great way to improve your diving skills. Divine Divers on Gili Meno offer following specialties – we will list them according to popularity:

Nitrox Specialty: The most popular specialty course. Dive safer, become less tired and extend your no-decompression time by breathing enriched air nitrox.

Deep Specialty: Become certified to dive to 40 meters and learn about decompression theory and diving planning.

Perfect Buoyancy: The most recommended specialty by most instructors. During PPB (Peak Performance Buoyancy) we improve your buoyancy by playing games underwater, experimenting with breathing patterns, weight placement and learning efficient finning techniques.

Drift Diving: Learn about drift and current diving and discover flying under water. We will practice buoyancy control, negative entries, navigation, use of surface signaling equipment and buddy communication. By the end of waive, tide and current course, you’ll have the skills you need to go with the flowand navigate through a strong surge.

Night Diving: Learn techniques for diving at night and discover the unique creatures that come out after sunset.  It’s a whole different world after dark.

Fish Identification / Underwater Naturalist: Get a better understanding about the marine ecosystem and the differences between terrestrial and aquatic worlds. See new things, learn about the most important fish families in the tropical waters around the Gili Islands and learn to differentiate between different fish

Underwater Photography and Videography: Learn to take awesome photos or videos underwater to show off online.

Wreck Specialty: There are thousands of shipwrecks to be found in the oceans, seas and lakes all over the world! This course will give you skills to navigate and enjoy shipwrecks while teaching you how to recognize and avoid unique hazards wrecks pose to us as divers.

Underwater Navigation: Navigation can be quite a hard skill for a new diver to master. Learn compass proficiency, navigation patterns and natural navigation to make your dives more enjoyable.

Search and Recovery: Learn about search patterns, knot tying and use a lift bag to find missing objects underwater.

Scooter DPV Diving: COMING SOON! Diver Propulsion Vehicles, also called DPVs are underwater scooters. They allow you to see more, conserve air and get from one place to another faster – with a huge smile on your face. It is the most fun you can have underwater

Sidemount Diving: COMING SOON! Learn about the many benefits of diving with a sidemount setup. A sidemount configuration (diving tanks alongside of the diver) offers more flexibility and better steamlining options.

First Aid & CPR: A prerequisite to the Rescue Course. You will learn important techniques that may one day save a life and improves your willingness to help at an accident scene.

Environmental / Ecology Specialties: Environment specialty programs are the perfect way to enhance your dive experience by learning about different marine life, how ocean ecosystems function and how to dive safely with sharks, rays and more. The environment specialties can either be taught as a dry course (online and with classroom sessions) or as a two dive specialty. Here are the Divine Divers Gili Meno options:

  • Coral Identification
  • Fish Identification
  • Marine ecology
  • Sea Turtle Ecology
  • Shark Ecology
  • Dive against Debris

Other specialty courses

If there is anything else that tickles your fancy, just let us know- other specialties are for example: Boat Diving, Equipment Techniques, Decompression Diving , Self-Reliant Diver, Full Face Mask Diver, and of course specialty programs that don’t really fit our tropical environment (ice diving, dry suit, etc)

How long will my certification last?

Your entire life! Certifications do not have an expiry date. If you have not dived in more than a year we do recommend refresher training especially when you don’t have extensive dive experience.

Can I dive with health issues?

There are some serious conditions such as epilepsy, active asthma, emphysema, heart disease or haemophilia that could prohibit any diving activity. Since you are looking at advanced training you have surely filled in a medical questionnaire  at least once before. If you had to provide a before a fit-for-diving-confirmation from a doctor then, you will most likely have to bring one again. However, things change and maybe some health issues have resolved themselves whereas other might have appeared. If you are not sure, please check the Medical-Statement and if in doubt contact us.

What’s the difference between PADI and SSI?      

If you are interested in getting your scuba diving certification, you’ve probably come across PADI and SSI, the two major training agencies in the world. But is there a big difference or is one better than the other?

Instructors of both agencies will teach you how to be a skilled diver, as there is a certain skill set that every diver needs to have. Therefore, all diving agencies follow a legal framework laid down by the World Recreational Scuba Diving Council. The training agencies also accept each other; hence you could do an Open Water Course with the one and an Advanced Course with the other agency.

The main difference is in the theoretical education, requirements and certification costs. And of course, much comes down to personal preferences and other factors such as the teaching skills of your instructor and the conditions of the water.

We have decided to offer PADI courses even though most of our instructors can teach both PADI and SSI.

What different diver levels are there?

PADI and SSI differentiate slightly in between the different diver levels. You can mix and match the courses depending on what you are aiming at. When you complete a certain number specialties, you’ll earn different recognition levels up to the elite Master (Scuba) Diver rating. These ratings display your competency and build a solid base for more adventures to come. You can also credit a certain amount of specialties from the one agency to the Master (Scuba) Diver rating of the other agency.

Level 1 Open Water Diver Open Water Diver
Level 2 Specialty Diver – 12 Dives and 2 Specialities OR Advanced Adventurer (optional) Advanced Open Water Diver
Level 3 Advanced Open Water Diver – 24 Dives AND  4 Specialities Rescue Diver
Level 4 Master Diver – 4 Specialities + Rescue Course AND 50 dives Master Scuba Diver – Rescue Diver + 5 Specialities AND 50 dives

Why should I do a diving course on the Gili Islands?

Postcard-like white sandy beaches, azure and year-round warm waters (28 to 29 degrees), the reef on your doorstep and a great lifestyle – does this sound like paradise to you? The Gilis offer great diving all year round and are known as the turtle capital in the world – rightfully so, because both green and hawksbill turtles are abundant. Reef sharks are also frequently spotted and there is a broad range of marine life to be met on all dives. The dive sites are rarely more than a 15-minute boat ride from Divine Divers Gili Meno. The dry season is running from May to October and the rainy season from November to April. Rainy season sounds more extreme than it actually is because it hardly ever rains an entire day – expect showers at different severity but therefore less people.

Why should I choose Divine Divers Gili Meno?

We love what we do! We have been in the diving game for over 10 years as Divine Divers on Gili Meno (but our passion for diving didn’t start here). Apart from our location in paradise and at the most beautiful spot on Gili Meno we are both professional and enthusiastic about diving. Our groups are small and our instructors hand chosen for their personality and excellent teaching records. Safety is our primary concern; our equipment is in excellent order and of course regularly maintained. We are committed to offering first-class service and superior quality dive courses. However, our main differentiator is our personal approach. We live Divine Diver and consider the dive shop more as a family than a business. Some guests just end up staying for months or even years…