EFR Course

IDR 2.400.000

CPR and first aid are key skills that are important to everyone, not just scuba divers. Emergency First Response training focuses on building confidence in potential rescuers and increases their willingness to respond when faced with a medical emergency. The course id prerequisite for the Rescue Course and all professional dive courses.

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Overview EFR Course

The Emergency First Responder training in form of the EFR course teaches you medical emergency response skills. It prepares you for assisting in medical emergencies. It is a necessary certificate that you need before starting a Rescue Diver course or any of the professional diver courses such as the Dive Master Course.

The course takes one full day and it focusses on building confidence and increases willingness to respond when faced with a medical emergency without becoming a medical emergency yourself.

During the Emergency First Response Course on Gili Meno you will learn how to manage emergencies and treat injuries as a first responder. This in-depth emergency first response course includes

  • Primary assessment,
  • First aid for adults, children and infants
  • CPR and primary stabilisation techniques adults, children and infants
  • Emergency oxygen administration
  • Automated External Defibrillator (AED) training.

Using a combination of independent academic sessions and practical training scenarios, this program will give you the tools and confidence you need for appropriate emergency response. By the time you are certified, you will be able to act as:

  • an emergency first responder
  • provide first aid and CPR
  • administer oxygen and
  • provide AED support in a medical emergency.

This set of skills can be used in any environment. Most work organizations will accept it as a recognized first aid certificate.

If you need a First Aid and CPR certificate for your Rescue Diver training, we can offer both courses as a package deal with some financial benefits for you. Please contact us to explore this option.


Schedule EFR Course on Gili Meno

The course takes one full day from 09:00 to 16:30 and is a combination of self-study, theory lessons and in person training. We will practice a skill until you feel confident before moving on to the next one.


Details (for those who like to know more)

Would you like to learn more about the content of the EFR course? Are you interested in further details about the different topics that will dominate an interesting day of training? You will find that and more in our FAQ’s.

Important to know: Our courses are conducted in accordance with PADI standards.

As prerequisite for the Rescue Course or the Dive Master Course we recognise all non-online EFR courses that you did within the last two years.

If you’d like to complete the theory before your arrival online, let us know as well, we will be glad to help you with registering and receiving the theory package.


Continue the Adventure

The EFR course is the prerequisite for the Rescue Course on Gili Meno and all professional courses such as the Divemaster Course. It is a great but dry course. If you’d like to get your feet wet, you can also look into the following fun specialities:

Deep Diving Specialty

Drift Dive Specialty

Wreck Specialty

Night Diving Specialty

Our diving courses on Gili Meno are all-inclusive and you will encounter no hidden costs during your diving journey.

  • Small groups – maximum 4 students per instructor
  • Multilingual instructors
  • Theory and all training equipment and materials
  • A modern and comfortable classroom with the most perfect view (aka the beach.. LOL)
  • Certification
  • A great course in a fun environment

Please note, the waters around the Gili Islands have been declared a Marine Park. Therefore a one time Marine Park fee of 100.000 IDR has to be paid by all diving and snorkel tour participants. This fee is NOT included in our prices and has to be paid in cash at our dive center on Gili Meno.

If you are only going to do the EFR course this fee is not applicable since you won’t be diving during this course.

To enrol into the course please check the following:

Many emergency first response (EFR) courses meet the CPR and first aid training requirements for diving courses. If you have completed an EFR course in your home country in the last two years, you probably won’t have to do it again.

If you feel your knowledge is rusty even though your certificate is still valid, we do recommend a refresher.

Book online!

Please note, we and all other Gili Meno establishments charge a 3% credit card surcharge on all credit card transaction. The 3 % surcharge does not apply to online bookings.

The EFR course is a dry course so chances that you wont be able to do it are small.

In the (hopefully unlikely) event that you can’t start the course as planned, you will get of course more time to make it to the island and if even that isn’t going to happen, you will get all your money back minus the arising expenses. Please note, the e-learning is the most expensive part of the course and the e-learning is yours after we have assigned it to you. This and potential transaction charges are non refundable.

What will I learn during the EFR Course on Gili Meno?

You will learn how to…

  • Evaluate the scene of an accident
  • Secure yourself (use barriers to reduce disease transmission) and people around an accident scene
  • Prioritize action and how to make a rescue plan
  • Collaborate and delegate tasks following an emergency plan
  • Avoid additional accidents
  • Collect all necessary information and how to call emergencies
  • Use all basic medical techniques that can safe someone’s life
  • Provide basic life support CPR and rescue breaths
  • Respond to shock
  • Manage spinal injuries
  • Use basic first aid and first aid kit considerations
  • React fast but not stressed or in a hurry

Can I do the course online before I arrive on the island?

Sure, you can prepare and read the theory online before you arrive. Just let us know if this is what you’d like to do and we will help you with receiving the theory package which is part of the PADI EFR course.

How long will my certification last?

A First Aid and CPR certificate in a diving context is good for two years (24 months) and should then be updated.

What’s the difference between PADI and SSI?        

The two major training agencies in the world are PADI and SS (and CMAS if you are looking at diving from a French or German perspective). But is there a big difference or is one better than the other?

Instructors of all agencies will teach you how to be a skilled diver, as there is a certain skill set that every diver needs to have. Therefore, all diving agencies follow a legal framework laid down by the World Recreational Scuba Diving Council. The training agencies also accept each other; hence you could do one course with the one and other courses with another agency.

Why should I choose Divine Divers on Gili Meno?

We love what we do and we do it well! We have been in the game for over 10 years as Divine Divers on Gili Meno. Generally, our main differentiator is our personal approach – and of course our location at the most perfect sunset point on the island. What better way is there to end the perfect diving day where the sky meets the ocean. Apart from that our groups are small and our instructors hand chosen for their personality and excellent teaching records. We have great and up to date training facilities and safety is our primary concern; our equipment is in excellent order and of course regularly maintained. We are committed to offering first-class service and high-quality dive courses. We are offering both PADI and SSI courses and we are collaborating with instructor development centers for both agencies in case you fall in love with diving and the island and would like to just stay and live here. You would not be the first one ?.